Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Restoring Your Smile With Dental Implants in San Francisco, CA

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that provides a strong base for a new tooth to sit sturdy in place of the missing tooth. An implant is made from robust materials such as titanium and is capable of holding a dental prosthetic such as a crown, bridge, or denture. It is placed surgically into the jawbone by the dentist. Dental implants have proven to last longer than conventional dentures and bridges, with proper care. 

How do implants work?

Titanium fuses with the tissues in the jawbone in a process known as Osseo integration. This is essential to provide a sturdy base for a dental restoration such as a dental crown to be attached and function like a natural tooth.

How do I know if implants are ideal for me?

During the initial consultation, your San Francisco, CA dentist will perform a physical examination of the gums, to ascertain if the patient is free of gum disease. Dental x-rays or a CT scan will also help to determine if the patient has the required bone density in the jaw to accommodate the dental implants. In addition, the dentist will also inspect the patient’s past health records to determine if implants are the best choice for replacing missing teeth.

What is the procedure like?

Receiving implants is a two-stage process:

1. Placement – A small incision in the gum is made to place the implant. This is performed under surgical conditions. A local anesthetic is used to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. The gums are left to heal for several months and for the osseointegration to be completed.

2. Receiving the restoration – Once the implants are firmly in place, the patient returns to the dentist’s office to receive the restoration: dental crown, bridge, or a denture.


Monday, May 29, 2017

Choosing Invisalign Over Metal Braces in Los Angeles

Can you briefly tell me why I should choose Invisalign over metal braces?

The most obvious benefit of Invisalign braces from a reputable dentist in Los Angeles is that they are almost invisible! Therefore, unlike wearing metal braces, you can get your dream smile without having to experience any embarrassment. In addition, traditional metal braces can be painful as the metal brackets and wires can cut the inside of your mouth and even your gums.

What are the other advantages of Invisalign?

In addition to being invisible, Invisalign braces do not have the feel and look of traditional braces. They do not come with brackets and wires, which can cause self-consciousness and discomfort. Since they are also removable, they are more hygienic. They can be removed while eating or when they need to be cleaned. Hence, you can also comfortably floss and brush your teeth without having to worry about brackets and wires. With Invisalign treatment you will also require fewer visits to the dentist.


Once I get the Invisalign braces, how should I look after them?

Make sure to remove the aligners to keep the mouth and teeth clean. Just as you brush and floss your teeth, you will have to clean your aligners twice a day using a soft toothbrush and clear hand soap. Your dentist in Los Angeles will also ask you to soak the aligners using Invisalign crystals or a retainer cleaner at least once a week. You must take off your aligners while eating or drinking anything (other than plain water). Avoid snacks between meals. If you happen to eat and cannot brush your teeth before re-inserting the aligners, make sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth and the aligners with plain water. Although they are removable, you must wear the Invisalign trays for at least 20 hours every day to achieve your dream smile.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

An Overview of Dental Veneers available in Los Angeles

What are dental veneers?

One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry restorations, dental veneers are an ideal choice when addressing a range of imperfections. This restoration is made from materials such as porcelain or ceramic, which allows the dentist to color-match the restoration to the patient’s teeth for a better aesthetic result. Veneers take the shape of a thin wafer that is about the thickness of a fingernail, and is used by dentists for many purposes, including complete smile makeovers. 

How does it work?

When using veneers to correct cosmetic or function imperfections, the restorations are bonded to the front of the teeth. The dentist will prepare the front of the teeth by filing down a small portion of the enamel. When the veneers have been prepared, the dentist will make any necessary adjustments before permanently bonding the restorations to the teeth.

When are veneers useful?

Dental veneers are a very versatile cosmetic restoration. They are sturdy and durable, and can be used to address many imperfections. One of the most common uses for veneers is to address malformed teeth. In addition to this, veneers are used when dealing with teeth that are cracked or chipped due to trauma or other factors. When addressing stains and discoloration that does not respond to teeth whitening, dentists use veneers as an alternative to help achieve a stain-free smile. Moreover, veneers can be used to close gaps between teeth and restore a full smile. Another use for veneers is when addressing certain instances of minor misalignment.

To Learn More About Dental Veneers available in Los Angeles, Please Visit: Dr. Nico Moghtader

Tags to this page: An Overview of Dental Veneers available in Los Angeles, Dentist Los Angeles

Friday, May 5, 2017

For a Healthy Smile, Visit a Dentist in Pure Gold Dental in Redlands

Many mistakenly believe that they have to visit the dentist only after they feel something is wrong with their teeth or are in pain. A dental visit will comprise of the dentist examining your oral health, and diagnosing and treating conditions that are mild to extremely complex.

What is the role of a dentist?

Dentists are doctors who have specialized in oral health. Their responsibilities are as follows
•          Diagnosis of oral disease
•          Promoting oral health
•          Prevention of oral disease
•          Creating treatment plans for maintenance or restoration of oral health.
•          Interpretation of diagnostic tests and x-rays
•          Safe administration of anesthetics
•          Monitor the development and growth of the jaw and teeth.
•          Performing surgical procedures on the oral cavity, bone, soft tissue, and teeth

Dentists not only diagnose and treat dental issues that occur in teeth, tissues, and the mouth, but also provide advice and administer care to help prevent future oral problems. Dentists provide advice on flossing, brushing, diet, and other aspects related to your oral health.

Dentists are also skilled in removing tooth decay, straightening teeth, filling cavities, and repairing fractured teeth. They can also perform corrective gum surgery and supporting bones to treat gum problems.  Dentists also extract teeth and take measurements and make models for making dentures as a replacement for teeth. They are skilled in administering anesthetics and prescribing medication such as antibiotics.

Lasers, computer technology, and digital scanners are used to treat dental issues with precision and accuracy. Dentists use a variety of equipment that includes drills, mouth mirrors, forceps, brushes, probes, and scalpels to treat a variety of dental issues effectively. They also wear gloves, masks, and safety glasses to protect patients and themselves from infectious diseases.

Pure Gold Professionals in Dentistry

Smile Confidently With Dental Implants in Los Angeles

Are dental implants the best option to replace missing teeth?

Dental implants enable you to bite naturally, and eat virtually anything you want. You can brush your teeth normally while other options may require you to remove them for cleaning. Alternate options can feel uncomfortable when eating and restrict the choice of food you can eat.

Dental implants cannot move, click, or shift as they are fixed into position giving you the confidence to smile. Other options can slip while eating, laughing, and talking causing discomfort.

Who is a candidate for a dental implant?

Dental implants are the right choice for many who are missing one tooth, several teeth, or even all their teeth due to injury, disease, defects, or decay. Anyone who is in good health and whose jaw has finished growing may be a candidate for dental implants. Dental implants are ideal for patients who do not want the drawback of wearing removable dentures or who are not able to wear dentures any longer.

How do dental implants work?
You will be able to floss, brush, and visit the dentist for regular checkups and perform cleaning as you would with natural teeth.

A dental implant is cylindrical in shape and made of titanium. It is surgically placed into the jawbone. During the healing process, the implant will osseointegrate or fuse with the jawbone. This will provide a strong and long lasting foundation for the replacement teeth. Once the implant has bonded with the jawbone, an abutment, which is a connector, is placed on top of the implant to connect the replacement tooth with the implant. Crowns, dentures, and bridges that comprise of multiple teeth can be attached to the abutment.

To Learn More About Dental Implants in Los Angeles, Please Visit: Center for Holistic Dentistry

Address Teeth Discoloration With Cosmetic Dentistry in Glendale CA

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Glendale
Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Glendale

A person’s smile contributes significantly to their overall appearance. Having a beautiful smile will not only complement an individual’s appearance, but will also boost their self-confidence. However, stains and discoloration can easily tarnish a beautiful smile, resulting in a smile that takes on a lackluster appearance. Individuals who want to address such imperfections can seek teeth whitening treatment from a dentist offering cosmetic dentistry services in Glendale CA.

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment offered by dentists nowadays. This treatment is known for being able to significantly improve a person’s smile by eliminating stains and discoloration.

What can cause stains and discoloration?

Stains and discoloration can greatly affect the appearance of a person’s smile. One of the main causes of staining is food and beverages that people consume every day. Some food items and beverages are more likely to cause staining than others, such as berries, sauces, sodas, red wine, tea, and coffee, among others. Habits such as smoking and chewing tobacco can also contribute significantly to discoloration and staining. In addition to this, certain medications can lead to stains and a lackluster smile.

What does the whitening process involve?

Teeth whitening is a simple treatment carried out at the dentist’s office, which can be completed in around one to two hours. The treatment starts with the dentist carrying out a professional teeth cleaning. This will remove any plaque, tartar and debris that may affect the result of the whitening. Following this, the dentist will apply a protective barrier gel on to the gums, lips, and other soft tissues in the mouth. Once this is done, the whitening gel will be applied on to the teeth and a special light will be used to cure the gel. The whitening gel will breakdown any discoloring particles and restore a stain-free smile. With teeth whitening treatment, patients will be able to notice an improvement in the shade of their smile that is up to eight shades brighter.

To Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry in Glendale CA, Please Visit: Bright Smiles Dental Studio


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Teeth Whitening With a Reputed Dentist in Dublin CA

Can you tell me about take-home whitening kits?

If you are looking for a teeth whitening treatment within the privacy of your home in Dublin CA, you can consider take-home kits. These help gradually achieve aesthetic and natural looking results over a period of several weeks. The dentist will take impressions to create trays which will precisely and comfortably fit over the dental arch. The dentist will also give you professional-grade whitening gel. You will have to wear the trays filled with gel for a specific number of hours on a daily basis to gradually eliminate the deep stains from your teeth’s enamel and for the whiteness to shine through.

Can I opt for in-office treatment instead?

Yes. If you wish to get results on the same day or if you simply don’t have the time to go through the relatively longer at-home whitening procedure, you can consider in-office whitening. With this method, no trays are used. Instead, a dental hygienist in your dentist’s practice will apply a whitening solution to the teeth’s surfaces. A light is used to activate the bleach and soon you will notice that your smile has whitened by as much as eight shades in a single visit. All this happens while you are relaxing in the dentist’s chair. Needless to say, this method is faster, but more expensive.

How long will the treatment results last?

The teeth whitening procedure in Dublin CA does not offer a permanent solution. Those who tend to eat or drink staining or colored foods and beverages will see the whitening gradually fading within a month. Those who avoid such beverages and foods can probably space out their next treatment or for a touch-up treatment to be done after a year. Notably, the final results of the treatment will also vary from person to person, depending on the initial condition of their teeth, the depth of staining, and the type of whitening system used.

Recommend Teeth Whitening in a Dublin CA