Monday, July 17, 2017

Dental Extractions in Los Angeles

The thought of dental extractions conjures up negative images in people’s heads. Even before the extraction has begun, it is common to tense up and worry if things will go ok. And yet extractions have come a long way since five decades ago. Now, there is effective pain medication that prevents any kind of discomfort. The healing period is also very short because the techniques and instruments of extraction have improved greatly over the years. Today we talk specifically about wisdom tooth extractions. 

woman in pain caused by wisdom teeth

What is a Wisdom Tooth?

These are posterior teeth that erupt last in a person’s mouth, often causing dental problems. Because the gum had hardened at the time of the eruption of a wisdom tooth, (usually between the ages of 17 and 25) it does not allow the tooth to break through easily. There is also the space problem, as the mouth is crowded with permanent teeth at this point. This leads to the condition known as ‘an impacted tooth,’ which basically means that the tooth is stuck in the gum and unable to come out or develop properly. That does not mean that everyone in Los Angeles will get wisdom teeth or if they did, that they will be abnormal. 

How does an impacted Wisdom Tooth behave?

It may be angled towards the adjoining tooth, the second molar or it may be angled towards the posterior of the mouth. Sometimes it’s possible for the wisdom tooth to grow at a right angle to the rest of the teeth, as if it is ‘sleeping’ on the jawbone. There are also cases in which they grow straight up like they are supposed to, but are still trapped in the bone.

Due to these reasons and the high probability of infection of the wisdom tooth, dentists suggest that they be extracted. Even symptom-free wisdom teeth can be germ carriers and cause problems years later. 

To learn more about Dental Extraction, visit A-Dental Center.


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  2. It is very useful article for us, thanks for sharing.
    Tooth Extraction Treatments
